Halloween not for all souls. As I understand it, here's the history of the debate on Halloween: At least at its start, Halloween was a pagan celebration known as Samhain — a night when bonfires were set to frighten away the evil spirits ...
... Halloween followers "The earlier Halloween postcards and the celebration of the holiday itself were much more adult-oriented than the modern versions," he says. "In the earlier part of the century, adult Halloween parties and exchange ...
days ahead Monday. Free... Happy Halloween! Film, 9:30 a.m.; Dendy-McNair Auditorium, Eckerd College, 5401 34th St. S. Why Man Creates. Halloween Book Sale, Largo Library. Details, "this weekend, Saturday." Craft Fair, Metropolitan ...
... Halloween-themed advertisements at adults. Research by Hallmark Cards Inc. indicates that one adult in three now takes part in Halloween activities. Hallmark, created by Leo Burnett typifies the trend Amid photographs. of a cryptful of ...
... Halloween followers "The earlier Halloween postcards and the celebration of the holiday itself- were much more adult-oriented than the modern versions." he says "In the earlier part of the century, adult Halloween parties and exchange ...
France's Halloween not faring well. PARIS (AP) — Five years after it took France by storm in a whirlwind marketing drive launched by a lone French entrepreneur, "Le Halloween" looks set to perform its own disappearing act. Parties ...
... Halloween-related are expected to reach a record $4.96 billion in 2006, up from $3.29 billion a year ago, according to the National Retail Federation. "Halloween used to be a single night. Now it's a fall festival," said Phil Rist, vice ...
... Halloween fun at SM Supermalls. Kids will have a great time selecting scary and outrageous costumes and pumpkin baskets at the SM Department Store. Or if they want to stand out in the trick or treat crowd, diey can check out the Halloween ...
Kids reject a too-healthy Halloween. By DARLENE SUPERVILLE Associated Press Writer Tk TORTH POTOMAC, Md.- [VI Ghosts and goblins may not JL ^t frighten 'trick-or-treaters this Halloween as much what they could find inside their goody ...
... Halloween just "ain't what she used to be The frightening frump who symbolized the scarmess of All Hallows Eve as ... Halloween followers The earlier Halloween postcards and the celebraOCTOBER. tion of the holiday itself were much ...