MediEvil is a 1998 action-adventure game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. The game is set in the medieval Kingdom ...
$29.99 In stock Rating (8,600)
Sword swinging, perilous puzzles and enchanting environments are brought back to life in this full remake of the original PlayStation action-adventure.


Computer game
4.6/5 · PlayStation 67% · Metacritic 8.1/10 · IMDb
MediEvil is a 1998 action-adventure game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Programming languages: C and Assembly language
Composer: Andrew Barnabas
Genres: Platform game and Action-adventure game
Platform: PlayStation
Initial release date: October 1998

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MediEvil is a 2019 action-adventure game developed by Other Ocean Emeryville and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4.
Rating · Review by Travis Northup
Oct 23, 2019 · This tribute to an often-forgotten game and its memorable underdog protagonist is gorgeous and nostalgia-inducing remake.
Oct 7, 2019 · Let's Play MediEvil! PlayStation producer Nick Accordino joins us for a romp ...
Rating (74)
MediEvil is a colorful trip down memory lane filled with gorgeous, updated graphics, the same amazing OST and improved (yet still retro) gameplay mechanics.
The Medievil is a ship featured in WipEout Pure. It serves as an in-game promotion of MediEvil: Resurrection. The ship was designed by the SCE Cambridge Studio ...
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