Scattergories List Generator ; 1. Names Used in Songs ; 2. Types of Weather ; 3. Places in Europe ; 4. Ways to Kill Time ; 5. Terms of Endearment.


Scattergories is a creative-thinking category-based party game originally published by Milton Bradley in 1988. The objective of the 2-to-6-player game is to score points by uniquely naming objects, people, actions, and so forth within a set of... Wikipedia
Minimum age: 12
Chance: Low
Players: 2–6
Skills: Vocabulary; Counting; Social skills

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Scattergories is a creative-thinking category-based party game originally published by Milton Bradley in 1988. The objective of the 2-to-6-player game is to ...
Rating (5,871) · 30-day returns
The Scattergories game has over 3,500 possible category combinations, assuring you hours of fun. Get Creative. Play individually or as teams in this exciting ...
30-day returns In stock
It features the original graphics, category cards, and iconic timer used in the original version and is sure to deliver the same excitement as well! Vintage inspired graphics from the original 1988 edition.
Rating (120) · 30-day returns
This party game for adults and teens aged 13 and up features 190+ categories and 20 letters on the die, making it an entertaining group game for up to 6 people to play again and again.
Scattergories Lists (a board game, copyrighted by Milton Bradley, 1988). LIST 1. LIST 2. A boy's name. Vegetables. US cities. States. Things that are cold.
04917-1. Contents: THE GAME OF. SCATTERGORIES. For 2 to 6 Adult Players. 6 Folders, 6 Clip strips, 1 Answer pad,. 20-Sided die, 48 Category cards, Timer,. Die ...
Rating (30) · Free 2-day delivery over $35
Players race against the timer as they write down answers to categories -- such as things in your car, reality TV shows, famous animals, and things you shouldn't touch -- each beginning with the letter ``S,'' for example.
Scattergories Rules. 1. Set Up- A die with all the letters will be rolled to randomly select a letter for the first list. Everyone should write that letter ...
Rating (10,772)
In "The Game of Scattergories," published in 1988 by Milton Bradley, each player fills out a category list with answers that begin with the same letter.